Call for abstracts
Call for Abstracts Is Now Closed

All abstract submitters were notified of their abstract acceptance on 15 April 2024. If you have not received your notification, please ensure to check your spam folder.
You will find links to confirm your participation as well as the registration link in your notification. All abstract presenters, including accepted workshop and symposia sessions, are expected to handle the costs of their registration fees. For any inquiries, feel free to contact us at
Please note that due to the high volume of submissions, the Scientific Committee will be assigning presentations at their discretion.
Important Dates
Call for Abstracts Open | 25 October, 2023 |
Abstract Submission Deadline | 17 March, 2024 |
Abstract Result Notification | 15 April, 2024 |
Conference Dates | 21 – 24 August, 2024 |
Topic: The topic of the Abstract should be relevant to Primary Care and/or Family Medicine.
Abstract Themes:
- Primary Care Innovations & Research
- Population Health
- Art of Family Medicine
- Healthier SG Initiatives
- Sustainability
- Addressing healthcare challenges
- Narrative Medicine
- Primary Care Organisation/Delivery system
- Primary Care Workforce issue
- Digital Primary Care
- Cultural sensitivity in Family Medicine
- Behavioural Health Science
- Workforce (Self-care)
- Precision Medicine
- Medical informatics
- Aged care issues in Family Medicine – Aging in place, Frailty
- Social Prescribing
- Creating Communities of Care
- Value Based Care
- Communication in Family Medicine
- Relationship Building
- Medical Humanities
- Resilience of the Healthcare Workforce
Title: The title should be concise and indicative of the content of the abstract.
- Please ensure that your title is inputted in title case. For e.g., ‘Population Health Management in Primary Health Care’ and not ‘Population health management in primary health care’. Do not enter the title in all capital or all lowercase letters. If you are unsure, please use this tool for title casing.
- Do not use abbreviations in the title.
- Do not end the title with a period.
Word Limit: 250 words (does not include title and authors)
Language: English
Tables graphs and images: The use of tables, graphs, and other types of images is not permitted in the abstract.
Abbreviations: The use of standard abbreviations is acceptable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except to begin sentences.
Fee: No submission fee
Number of Co-authors: No limit on the number of authors as long as they can justify based on the ICMJE authorship criteria.
Abstract Types Accepted:
- Research: Oral Presentation
- Research: Poster Presentation
- a) Symposium: Session Proposal (a complete 90 min session with the content and speakers designated by the submitter)
b) Symposium: Segment Proposal (a 15 min segment submitted by the presenter) - Workshop (complete session with the content and speakers designated by the submitter)
- Case Report/Series (Poster Only)
- Quality Improvement (Poster Only)
Please prepare your abstract using the following headings:
Research (Oral Presentation/Poster):
- Background (Justify the importance and relevance of this study)
- Aim (State precisely the purpose of this study)
- Methods (Describe how you conducted the study, including study design, setting, subjects, research instrument and analysis where appropriate)
- Results (Summarize the key findings that address the research question)
- Conclusions (Highlight the key messages, what the study findings add to the existing literature and the implications)
Symposium: Session Proposal (a complete 90 min session with the content and speakers designated by the submitter):
- Speakers/Chairs/Facilitators
- Learning outcomes
- Target participants
- Synopsis
- Delivery method
Symposium: Segment Proposal (a 15 min segment submitted by the presenter):
- Background (Justify the importance and relevance of this study)
- Aim (State precisely the purpose of this study)
- Methods (Describe how you conducted the study, including study design, setting, subjects, research instrument and analysis where appropriate)
- Results (Summarize the key findings that address the research question)
- Conclusions (Highlight the key messages, what the study findings add to the existing literature and the implications)
- Speakers/Chairs/Facilitators
- Learning outcomes
- Target participants
- Synopsis
- Delivery method
Case Report/Series:
- Background (What is the unique or significant problem highlighted by this case?)
- Case Description
- Discussion
- Learning Point (What is the take home message from this report?)
Quality Improvement:
- Background (Why was this quality improvement project done?)
- Short description of quality improvement project
- Discussion of findings/outcomes of quality improvement project
- Learning Point (What is the take home message from this quality improvement project?)
- Abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted.
- Abstract should be submitted by the Presenting Author.
- Abstract not adhering to the guidelines will not be considered.
- Abstracts that were previously submitted /presented at other conferences/ meetings will not be accepted.
- Studies that have been published in journals will not be accepted. Self-declaration is required at the point of submission.
- Please do not submit the same abstract multiple times under different presentation types. The final presentation type will be decided by the Scientific Committee and announced in the notification email.
The submitting author acts on behalf of all co-authors and in submitting an abstract, transfers to the WONCA APR 2024 Organising Committee the copyright and all other rights in the material comprising the abstract if the abstract is accepted.
- Co-authors reserve the following:
– all proprietary rights other than copyright, such as patent rights; and
– the right to use all or part of the abstract in future works of their own. - The WONCA APR 2024 Organising Committee, as holder of the copyright on the accepted abstract, reserves all rights of reproduction, distribution, performance, display, and the right to create derivative works in both print and digital formats.
- By submitting this abstract, you consent to the WONCA APR 2024 Organising Committee publishing (including recording and broadcasting) your submitted materials to the Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the World Organisation of Family Doctors websites and social media channels.
If you have any questions regarding your submitted abstract or the abstract submission process, do not hesitate to reach out to:
If your inquiry is regarding a particular draft or submission, please include the abstract ID in your email.