WONCA 2024

Presenter and Session Chair Resources

WONCA APR Conference 2024 Presenter and Session Chair Resources

Download the Presenter Resources for The Asia Pacific Regional Conference of the World Organisation of Family Doctors by clicking on the buttons below. 

Important Dates
Presenting Author Registration Deadline*
31 May 2024 
Submission of Presentation Slides Deadline:
21 July 2024
Submission of ePosters Deadline:
31 July 2024
Final Confirmation Email:
7 August 2024
Meeting Live Days:
21 – 24 August 2024

*Please note that all presenting authors for accepted abstracts, including workshop and symposia, must register for the conference or their abstract will not be presented and removed from the programme.  

  • Your presentation must be prepared in PowerPoint2000 or any later PowerPoint Version (MS Windows) and submitted via the online submission system. 
  • Power Point format: 16:9 
  • File Naming: All Power Points should be saved and renamed as such: <Reference Number>_<Last Name>_<Presentation title>. Example: “SC01.01_Konoike_Test Title Slide”.
  • Prior to your session please check your presentation at the Speaker Ready Room with your USB-removable drive for back-up. If you have an Apple device, please make sure to bring an adaptor.
  • Set the slide size of the page to “On-screen show” and landscape orientation in the page set-up section. (Portrait orientation will not be displayed properly).
  • Use high-contrast lettering, and not too much text per page (max. 10 lines or 15-20 words). Make sure you use high-contrast colors for the best definition of your text. Please be aware that red letters or lines are usually not visible when displayed on a bigger screen.
  • As a general rule, you should not present more than 1 slide per minute. Visual material supports the speech and should not be the transcription of it.
  • The inclusion of a disclosure slide is mandatory even if you have no conflicts to declare.
  • Special characters: To avoid any compatibility problems, please do not use special characters (i.e. “, Ö, Ø, ñ, ?, ®, ý, }, { etc) to name your presentation or movie files.
  • To avoid font compatibility problems, use common fonts (Geneva, Times Roman, Helvetica). If you do not use the recommended fonts you should save the fonts with the presentation.
    • Do not read the slides word for word. Visual material provides cues and images to support your verbal presentation.
    • Make sure your presentation has a clear flow from introduction to conclusion. Identify key points and why they are important.
    • Include take-home points. Consider which 2-3 points you want the audience to remember after your presentation.
    • Less is more! Include relevant information on your slides, supplemented and explained by your verbal presentation.

Oral Presentations will consist of a 10-minute presentation followed by 2-minute individual Q&A. All presentations in sessions SC11 and SC13 will consist of an 8-minute presentation followed by 2-minute individual Q&A.  

All details regarding the format and upload method will be shared with presenters by the end of June via e-mail. Please check your spam box and reach out to the Programme Manager at wonca2024-programme@icsevents.com if you have not received it.   

It is mandatory to use the official WONCA APR 2024 PowerPoint template for your presentation. Please download the template here

If you are chairing Short Comms, please see our guidelines here.

Poster Presentations will consist of a 5-minute presentation of an ePoster followed by 3-minute individual Q&A. On 12 June all registered presenters should have received an invite email from Learning Toolbox (no_reply@ltb.io) which contains the invite link to create an account and your ePoster. Please check your spam box and reach out to the Programme Manager at wonca2024-programme@icsevents.com if you have not received it.   

Please finalise your ePoster by 31 July at the latest. Please ensure that the ePoster PDF includes the main sections—Background, Aim, Methods, Results, and Conclusions—and that it is designed in 9:16 portrait orientation. You can download the official WONCA APR 2024 ePoster here. Including additional resources is optional but allows viewers to interact with your ePoster and post questions or comments in the online ePoster showcase. Your ePoster will be displayed on a digital screen (ePoster terminal) during your presentation and all ePosters will be available for browsing at any time outside of the session. There is no need to print and bring a physical poster or laptop to the venue.

Please check our support page if you need additional guidance. 

Please review our Learning Toolbox ePoster Live Presentations – Advice for Presenters guide and Quick ePoster Guide for Session Chairs and Presenters.

Please be present in the Poster Area at least 15 minutes before the session begins.  

If you are chairing an ePoster Session, please see our quidelines here.

Workshop and Symposia sessions are 90min. Sessions S03, S04 and W13 – W19 are 60min. 

The duration of individual presentations within these sessions may vary and is determined by the submitting author. If you have any questions about your session’s flow, please contact the submitting author. 

All details regarding the format and upload method will be shared by the end of June. Please check your spam box and reach out to the Programme Manager at wonca2024-programme@icsevents.com if you have not received it.   

It is mandatory to use the official WONCA APR Conference 2024 PowerPoint template for your presentation. Please download the template here.

We encourage all speakers to use the official WONCA APR Conference 2024 PowerPoint template for your presentation. Please download the template here.

 Please be present at the Session Room at least 15 minutes before the session begins.   

The presentation details have been provided to your email. Please check your spam box and let us know if you have not received it.  
If you have any questions, please email the Programme Manager at wonca2024-programme@icsevents.com.

Congress Manager
Sponsorship & Exhibit Sales Manager
Registration & Housing Manager
Program Manager